The 7th International Congress Morita Therapy was held in Australia !
The 7th International congress of Morita Therapy was held in Melbourne in March, 2010. The chair of the congress is Dr. Peg LeVine(Monash Asia Institute, Monash University, Mebourne, and Director of LeKond Institute & Centre for Morita Therapy, Daylesfond, Victoria, Australia).
- Date : March.4-6,2010
- Hall : The Sebel Albert Park Hotel in Melbourne,Australia
- Chair : Dr. Peg LeVine ( Monash University, Mebourne )
- Associate Chair : Dr.Naoki Watanabe ( Kansai University of International Studies, Japan )
- Sponsored : Jpanese Society for Morita Therapy,
Mental Health Okamoto Memorial Foundation, Japan
Program and Abstracts
Thursday 4th March, 2010
- 9.00am : Registrations Open
- 12.30 to 1.30pm : Opening: Two lndigenous Ceremonies of Welcome
Shinoto Opening Ceremony by Kaya Wataru, M.D. ( Psychiatrist and Shinto Priest ) with Priest Ueno and Priest Watanabe
- 1.30 to 2.00pm : Welcome & Special Address
According to Morits: The Nature of Self & the Meaning of Acceptance
Professor Kenji Kitanishi, M.D. ( President of The Japanese Society for Morita Therapy & Director of the Morita Therapy Institute, Japan Women's University, Japan )
- 2.20 to 2.45pm : Key Address by Chair of Congress
Historical and Philosophical Notes on the Migration of Morita Therapy to the West
Peg LeVine, Ed.D., Ph.D. ( Chair of 7th International Cogress of Morita Therapy )
- 2.50 to 5.00pm : Sessions with Dialogue:
Sessions are designed to stimulate dialogue between participants.
Participants can sample across all sessions, however, Kindly commit to one colour-stream working group by Saturday for final discussion.
5 Colour Streams
- Sky : culture, Japanese perspectives, and comparative therapies
Morita Theory and Practice in the Japanese Context
Conveners: Professor Kenji kitanishi, M.D. ( Japan Women's University and President of the Japanese Morita Society, Japan ) & Professore Richard Spates, Ph.D. ( Western Michigan University, USA )
- Plum : research
Measuring Change
Coveners: lshu Ishiyama, Ph.D. ( University of British Columbia, Canada ) & Professor Kei Nakamura, M.D. ( The Jikei. University Center for Morita Therapy, Japan )
- Orange : vulnerable populations
Therapy with Vulnerable Populations: Living with Acute or Chronic Stress associated with Physical and Psychosocial Decline
Convensrs: Di Clifton, M.D. ( Psychiatrist and Medical Director of Psychosocial Cancer Care, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne ) & Sotheare Chimm, M.D. ( Director of TPO, Cambodia )
- Moss : counsellor education, & dynamic therapeutic activity
Morita Therapy in Counsellor Development and Community Education
Conveners: Brian Ogawa, D.D. ( Doctor of Divinity ) ( Washburn University, USA ) & Robert White, Ph.D. ( Candidate, Monash University, Australia )
- Stone : paradox, Zen, & existentialism
Phenomenology and Ecology of Morita Therapy: Teasing out Zen and Shinto in Morita theory and Practice
Conveners: Walter Dmoch, M.D. ( University of Duesseldorf ) & Masahiro Minami, Ph.D. ( Candidate. University of British Columbia, Canada ) & Kaya Wataru, M.D.

- 5.00 to 5.50pm : Keynote Address
by Professor Emeritus Graeme Smith, M.D.
( Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia )
- 6.00 to 7.00pm : Welcome Reception

Friday 5th March, 2010
- 8.00pm : Registrations Open
- 9.00 to 10.00pm : Opening Plenary
The Guideline of Outpatient Morita Therapy including lntroducition to Jikei Morita Therapy Center
Professor Kenji Kitanishi, M.D. ( President of the Japan Morita Society )
Professor Kei Nakamura, M.D. ( Director of jikei University Morita Therapy Hospital Center, Japan )
- 10.30 to 11.15pm : Keynote Address
Professor Nancy Slater, Ph.D. ( ATR-BC, Registered Art Therapist ) is Director of the Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology: Art Therapy Program at the Adler School of Professional Paychology, Chicago, Illinois, USA )
11.15am to 1.00pm : Short Documentary Film in Progress: Paradox and Silence in Morita Therapy
Archival footage of the late Takehisa Kora, M.D. & Akihisa Kondo, M.D.
11.15am to 1.00pm : The Adaptive Possibilities of Morita therapy
- 11.15 to 14.45am : Presentation by lshu lshiyama, Ph.D. ( University of British Columbia, Canada and University of Tokyo, Japan )
- 11.45am to 12.15pm : Presentation by Brian Ogawa, D.D. ( Chair of the Human Services Department and Associate Professor at Washburm University, Topeka, Kansasa, USA )
- 1.45 to 3.15pm : ( Stream:Sky )
Comparative Therapies
Conveners: Professor Richard Spates & John Mercer ( Ph.D. Candidate ).
- 1.30 to 5.30pm : ( Stream:Plum )
Research and Outcome Measurement in Morita Therapy: A Collaborative Approach
Kenji Kitanishi, M.D. ( Japan Women's University, Tokyo, Japan ) and Eugene Mullan, Ph.D. ( University of Exeter, UK )
- 1.45 to 3.15pm : ( Stream:Orange )
Morita-based 'Life Force' Building for lndigenous & Refugee Communities in Asia and Africa
Converners: Didier Bertrand, Ph.D. ( Director of AFESIP, Lao PDR ( Sex Trafficking lntervention NGO ) ) Sotheara Chhim, M.D. ( Director of Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation( TPO ), Phnom Penh, Cambodia )
- 1.45 to 3.15pm : ( Stream:Moss )
Therapeutic Process and Dynamic ( Psycho ) lnference in Morita Therapy
Conveners: Walter Dmoch, M.D. ( University of Duesseldorf, Germany ) & Andrew Harris, M.A.-Ph.D. ( Candidate, Monash University, Australia )
3.30 to 6.00pm : ( Room:GW2 )
Go Nonaka( Landscape Film Ltd ) & Naoki Watanabe, M.D. ( Kansai University of International Studies, Japan )
Film#1 by Go Nonaka:
- 3.30 to 5.30pm : ( Stream:Orange )
Current Morita-based Glodbal Health Development Projects for Recovery from Severe Trauma( Contaxt-lnformaed Research )
Conveners: Sotheara Chimm, M.D. ( Psychiatrist. Director of Transcultural Paychosocial Services( TPO ) , Phnom Penh, Cambodia & Peg LeVine, EdD, Ph.D., Monash University and University of Tasmania, Australia )
- 3.30 to 5.30pm : ( Stream:Moss )
Training and Supervision in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Conveners: Richard Spates, Ph.D. ( Westem Michigan University, USA ) & Sam Splatt, M.A. ( Psychologist, Rural Mental Health, University of Tasmania, Australia )
- 6.30pm : Pre Dinner Drinks ( Element )
- 7.00pm : Conference Dinner ( Element )
Saturday 6th March, 2010
- 8.30am : Registrations Open
- 8.30 to 9.30am : Morita Therapy international Committee Meeting ( Closed Session )
- 9.40 to 10.40am : A SPECIAL ILLUSTRATION
Dropping the Ego: What might 'Kyudo' Teach Therapists about the Process of Therapy?
Walter Dmoch, M.D. ( University of Dusseldortf, Germany )
10.40am to 12.30pm : FILM#2 by Go Nonaka
Documentary Film, "Where the Butterflies are Dancing" ( 61minutes )
10.40am to 12.30pm : WORKSHOP: Experiential Workshop: Art Engagement for Psychosocial Health
Converner: Professor Nancy Slater, Art Therapy Educator, The Adler School for Professional Psychology, Chicago, USA.
- 1.30 to 3.00pm : Theme Roundtables, Select Your Stream
- 3.30 to 5.00pm : Future Directions: Synthesis within and between streams
All participants.
Key questions to be provided.
- 5.00pm : 7th International Congress of Morita Therapy Concludes